Monday, July 19, 2004

Selfish Pieces of Trash

Seems that this blog is getting a little dusty. Hm.. I think I can see the beginnings of an artfully done spiderweb, somewhere in the corner of this page. Oh well time to clean this place up abit. A new feel to the blog now. Above is an image of 'Miles Davis at Birdland' to jazz up this place abit -literally to "jazz" up. And of course as I promised, I will change the songs from time to time. This new piece is "Love's Theme - Barry White" - that's if you don't already know. The changes are all thanks to the lovely Sol for pointing out that my blog doesn't fit the Hawaiian-style music I previously had; though I have graciously informed Ms Laughing Toes that the song - which happens to be "Sleepwalk - Santo & Johnny" - is as Hawaiian, as I am Indian (no insults intended here. Just randomly picking out a race, is all.) But I do acknowledge the fact that the feel of the blog really couldn't fit any form of music I intend to add; that is unless I decide to play Harry Potter's or Count Dracula's theme. Well at least now it comes together better, even if only a wee bit so.
So let's just get on with the main content of this post. Very simply, things haven't been all that jolly lately. Quite the opposite, I would say that the situation is all touch'n'go lately. Temperaments are at its peak these few days. Hm.. I wonder if it has to do with the weather?.. Maybe ever slightly so.

But let me just put it this way: Some people are just trying to push their luck. The nerve of them.

Well I personally never understood how anybody can get away with being the so-called "pampered princess". I always felt that even if one could, one's conscience would always get in the way. Maybe for me, it is just not in my nature to act the "princess" all the time. Maybe around my parents I would, and occasionally around my close friends when things aren't going all that swell for me. But to act as such all the time?! Why that's preposterous.
But truth be told, such shameless sods do roam our lands. They come in all different shapes and sizes - oh and not forgetting different ages too. If you think that such immaturity resides in only children, think again. Fully grown-up individuals actually possess such behaviour. Blessed hell. It is pretty unnerving, isn't it?..
These individuals actually have the audacity to throw their temper on any unprepared victim, who happens to cross their path. Oh and boy do they have a temper. Similar to the spider, they capture their victim in a tangle of sticky webs; infusing fear and compliance from the helpless prey. Only when all breath is sucked out from the poor soul, do they then proceed to devour them . *Shudders*
Ok, so I may be exaggerating things abit. I apologise for such bias attitude. But you can't really blame me. I am seriously traumatised by these demonic creatures!.. I never met such people till.. hm.. 4 years ago I believe. And now, I am meeting demon no. 3!!... Somehow such behaviour in children is much more forgiveable - though I cannot even give you a rough figure of how many times I have resisted the urge to break their delicate little necks!.. Well mainly because the list would be too long.
My point is, these people have no conscience whatsoever. Lord knows, I can't bring myself to live life like that. I guess I live on the principle that life is about both 'give' and 'take'. And compromising is essential for all given situations. No one person can expect to get their way all the time. There has to come a time when they need to make a few sacrifices, and when they have to think for someone other than themselves. Alas, there are those selfish bastards who hold on to the belief that the who world should bow to their stinky feet. Well I'll be damned.


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