Tuesday, July 27, 2004

What an overactive mind you have...

I always wondered why some people have such HUGE problems communicating with their parents. And I think I have finally gotten a taste of it. Sometimes, parents just overreact. Gosh, I swear that they have an overactive mind. They probably spend their time conjuring up frightful images of what their kids are doing; images that somehow resemble that of an occult. The thing is mum called up from her workplace today to remind me of something. Somehow, her next sentence ended up coming out as something like this:
Mum: I think you should refrain from watching all that Girl Interrupted kind of movies.
Me: Huh? What?
Mum: Yeah. I saw the notebook you left on the table. Those sketches and that curse word. And there was the drawing of the doll hanging by the rope. Your sis wondered if it was her. (Had an argument with the sis on that day)
Me: *Genuinely laughing* Hm.. yeah that doll probably represents her. But come on mum what has this got to do with the shows. I mean I have curse words written all over my lecture notes. Mum: Just don't ever write these words again and don't do those drawings.
Me: What? But they are just stuff. They don't mean anything!..
Mum: Why are you becoming so rebellious. You have sisters watching you. Don't write those words again.
Me: They are just words. And it's my personal things. I just want to write whatever I want to write. At most I will just keep them away.
Mum: I can't talk to you when you are behaving that way..
**the line gets hung up**
This was one fucked up conversation. Honestly! I have been writing curse words for the past decade! I have cursed out loud just as long a time.. What am I? 14?! Blessed Hell!.. Just because she happens to come across some silly sketching of the phrase "fuck off", she thinks that I have gone on to the dark side‌.
What the fuck?! Gosh that was one of the most ridiculous conversations I have had in a long time. If I was so whacked up, I would have gone on to drinking, smoking, drugs and not forgetting slitting my wrists just for kicks. God Damn!.. Look at it this way, I could either just sketch little harmless words or I could go about smashing things & by things I mean objects and people. It is a way to relieve all that tension and pent up frustration. There has to be a way right?! Hey I wanted a freaking punching bag. Now if I have that, it would save us all the trouble, now wouldn't it. As to the drawings, I happen to be fascinated by artwork and sketches. I have always wondered how people manage to conjure up images in their head and can actually put it down on paper. As to the type of drawings, I can't draw for shit. Doing portraits or landscape drawing is out of the question. So trying out sketches of comic figures is the best place to start, since I suck at the shading bit. And I do like the pictures of Emily, Sandman etc. They are interesting characters, telling their stories through their facial expressions. But dear mum had to make such a big hoo ha over them. I am 20, not 14. I have gone past that rebellious age a long long time ago. For blessed sake, I already found my identity, which is more than I can say for my siblings who are in that ‌phase. Go bother them about such lectures, not me!.. What? You think I am gonna start all the gangster and suicide crap?! Aren't people always saying I am much too sensible for my age? Well?! What else do I have to prove? Get off my back, and stop thinking that I have suddenly gone from normal almost-adult, to mental-teenager. Gosh, parents!..


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