Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's been ages since my last post. Maybe because I've been busy being happy =)

And then, after all this time, you finally decided to start responding to my status updates on FB. Seriously, why now? Why start caring only now when you've been aloof all this time? You were the one who wanted to cut ties, no?

I am a little bothered, I'll admit -- but not on the same level as I would have been before. Still, why now? Are you using me as a substitute because there's trouble with your "next target"? If so, seriously, leave me out of this cruel joke because I want no part of it. Once was bad enough and I'm not going down that road again.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Let Go

Just a little something I wrote for the online 'Realm of Morpheus Challenge':

It’s nightfall yet again, and so begins this bittersweet torment that I’ve grown to know so well. The rising lump in my throat and that expanding ache in my chest all but consume me, as I lay curled up on my side. Part of me fights the exhaustion that is slowly taking over; its effects telling in the darkening shadows beneath my eyes and my shrinking frame, as the days pass me by. And yet another part of me yearns for sleep to overcome and fill that unyielding void…if but only temporarily.

I finally arrive and my eyes frantically search for you. But there is no need for it, is there? Because I feel your presence even before my eyes find you. I turn and there you stand, waiting patiently as always, with that beautiful smile that never fails to cause that catch of breath in my throat.

Our eyes meet and you’ve consumed me heart and soul. I stare into those deep, loving eyes of ocean blue and my heart dances an erratic tune. The gentlest of embrace and that sweet caress, then our lips meet, sending that blissful tingle coursing through me. I know not the time, just the contentment of hearing your voice, feeling your breath on my skin, and the completeness of our bodies together as one.

“Take me with you,” I whisper in your ear, feeling a shudder running through you.

“I can’t,” comes your reply, and I see the tears brimming in your eyes. “Let me go, my love.”

Just as suddenly as you appear, you are gone. You are but a dream now, and in reality I am alone again. And yet, your words still seem to linger in the air.

“I can’t,” I whisper to myself, as I feel the tears coursing down my cheeks. That single moment of grief that I allow myself each time I return from the realm of Morpheus.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm better... Maybe... Yeah I'm quite sure.

But some times... it's just those "some times". It feels like falling having a healing wound split right back open again. After all this time it still doesn't go away. I have my moments of weakness and lately those moments have appeared again. The moment shall pass... Only so much I'll be writing here. I think it's better I continue this somewhere else...